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Dive into our self-paced courses for flexible learning. Contact us for a bespoke instructor-facilitated course offered exclusively for your school. If you're interested in facilitated courses, visit our Leadership Program page.

Your Students, My Students, OUR Students
The purpose of this self-paced course is to develop language and skills around cultivating a culture and climate of INCLUSION. This course is for classroom teachers, learning support teachers, counselors, administrators, teacher leaders, and support providers. In this course, we challenge the traditional views of general and special education and the resulting identities of educators in international schools. The Universal Design for Learning framework is central to this course. Rather than exploring strategies by disability category, we explore by area of need so the strategies can truly be implemented as universal design for learning in every classroom, harnessing the power of Tier 1 instruction. This course is based on the ASCD book by the same name.

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
In this course, you'll develop the MTSS skills you need to transform instruction and intervention in your school. In these modules, we address these essential questions: How do we change our systems and structures so we have a clear mechanism for operating as a team to make decisions about small-group instruction, intervention, and referral that are efficient, effective, and equitable? What are the data we need to make decisions about grouping and intervention? How do we create environments support all students in the classroom who are struggling or require extension to move fluidly between tiers of support?

Assessing Students
We have all witnessed the limitations and inadequacies of assessment and grading systems. Join Lee Ann for an eye-opening course that examines common assessment and grading practices and explores the profound impact they have on student learning. Learn how a pervasive misunderstanding about the difference between formative and summative assessment affects student motivation and engagement. Consider the enduring skills and understandings that are most important in life–and aren’t even included in most compilations of academic standards. Find out why the typical 4-point rubric is a deficit-based assessment and what to do instead. And discover how authentic, informal conversation with students can be seen as valid information for summative assessment. Drawing from extensive experience and research in classroom assessment, Lee Ann will walk through a framework for reimagining the entire assessment and grading system.

From Goals to Growth
Every learner has unique potential, ready to be unlocked by personalized goals, a plan to get there, and a measure of progress. Join us for a transformative, intensive, weekend course, to learn a protocol for developing life-changing, interdisciplinary learning and support plans that elevate outcomes for students. Featured in the ASCD book, From Goals to Growth, and backed by NIH research, the protocol you’ll learn not only elevates student outcomes — it also builds collective self-efficacy in the faculty using it. While designed primarily for students who need targeted support or intervention, the process can benefit students across the full range of learner profiles. The plans you develop will be practical, student centered, and easy to integrate into everyday classroom routines.

Compassionate Classrooms
Emotional regulation and challenging behaviors are always at the forefront of our minds. How can we support our students to manage their emotions and cope with distress? This course provides an understanding of regulation and the root causes of dysregulation. You will explore disorders of regulation, and gain practical strategies for supporting students to become self-regulated learners.
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